Friday 8 May 2015

Is Your Antivirus Good Enough to take on the Virtual Onslaughts?

A hefty sum! That’s what you may have to shell out if your computer is infected with a virus.  Fortunately, digitalization has gotten a few notches up too, thanks to technology. The unfortunate part is that the other part of the cyber world is constantly evolving into cyber-threat instead. In order to keep up with this, evolution of antivirus industries has become essential as traditional anti-virus software just cannot combat the current malicious attacks. There are many symptoms that you might be able to notice if your anti-virus is not good enough to deliver the optimum results.
Let’s talk about the symptoms that your computer may have:  

Are You Unable to Boot to Safe Mode?
Virus removal becomes easy when your system runs on the safe mode. In fact, safe mode is required to shut down all the unnecessary programs, including malwares. If your system is unable to shift to the safe mode, most likely it is due to the attack of the viruses.

Are You Having Problems in Re-activating Your Anti-Virus?
Powerful viruses hold the capacity to outrun your anti-virus solution by disabling it. At times, despite all your efforts, you won’t be able to enable it again. As a matter of fact, traditional anti-viruses work using signatures to detect the virus. However, the recent malwares such as CryptoLocker and CryptoWall 2.0 change their payload signatures quicker than these anti-viruses.

Are You Getting Directed to Unexpected Websites?
Just like an adware, indications that your PC has been affected from a Trojan or other viruses will include constant directions of your PC to the sites you don’t intend to visit. These may include anti-virus software showing an ad saying it can Help your PC to get rid of malwares, or some other sites advertising utility software.

Is Your PC Extremely Sluggish?
Speed of your computer and web browser depends on a lot of factors such as its RAM and internet connection. However, if your computer runs extremely slow despite a good internet connectivity and high-end hardware, there are chances it has got infected with a virus. As a matter of fact, certain malware would not even let you install any new programs including a new anti-virus. So, if you are someone who lives in Fort Worth, look for a pro virus removal service offered by a company in your area. DIY methods can make the situation worse.

Other indications of virus threat could be dysfunction of system’s task manager. The virus may even create a situation where you are unable to view the folder options menu. Virus attack can be harmful to your PC and can destroy all your data. Due to this reason, it’s important to install an anti-virus that integrates the latest technology.