Saturday 9 January 2016

5 Undervalued Benefits of Custom Built Desktop PCs

The concept of custom-built desktop computers has gained popularity among computer users over the past decade. IT solutions companies are customizing PCs based on consumer specifications at an affordable price. These days many brand new PCs come with 1TB hard disk, but have a weak processor or have lower generation CPU with a graphic card. These systems can easily fulfill your basic system requirements unless you need to process large files or are looking for a gaming PC. An off-the-shelf PC may not be good enough to meet these expectations.

People who want to have high-end configuration on their PCs, are now turning to companies that sell custom-built computers on request. It means you can get a customized system at a much lesser price compared to a branded computer. Many users in the U.S are relying on custom-built desktop computers, and their feedback has been satisfactory. On the other hand, the so-called “brand loyal” consumers are still hesitant to invest money on custom PCs. It is not because they are unsure about the system performance, it is their brand consciousness that deters them from taking a new approach.

If you are not sure about spending money on custom-built computers, learning  the following five benefits may change your mind:

1. Substantial savings on computer parts
Once you decide to get a custom PC, the choice of computer components depends on you as it is possible to pick spare parts at much lower price. In fact, you can load your custom PC with numerous high-quality parts that can meet your desired specifications than any top-tier desktop PC.

These components are as good as the parts in the branded PCs and deliver the same kind of performance. 

2. Freedom to customize
You can buy and integrate various components in your PC based on your specifications. If you want to add a spacious hard disk, memory, motherboard, and graphic card in budget price, an expert computer solutions provider can easily fulfill these requirements. You just need to provide them a list the custom specifications. 

3. Warranty rebate
You won’t get an individual warranty on all the components except the accessories that are covered under the six-month plan. A custom built computer, on the other hand, may provide you a full one year warranty on all the computer parts. It will help you ward off the anxiety of paying for expensive components if the PC runs out of warranty.

4. Efficient servicing
If any of the built-in components go down due to glitches and require immediate replacement, you won’t have to wait for weeks. A reputed IT solutions provider can provide prompt services and ensure minimum downtime for personal or business usage. Additionally, it won’t require any dedicated vendor support as standard parts are always available.

5. Reliable performance
It’s a myth that custom PCs encounter serious performance issues. In fact, they have high-quality parts just like built-in machines and perform equally well. You have the flexibility to make change the hardware components as and when needed. This advantage isn’t there in high-end, branded machines.

Despite all these benefits, many users will continue investing in both branded and custom-built PCs depending on their specifications. If you need a system for basic web browsing and word processing, any branded PC with moderate configurations will be enough. On the other hand, if you need lightning fast speed and huge space for saving large files or running graphics, a custom built PC is the best option. Find a leading IT services firm and provide your specifications. 

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