Friday 30 October 2015

4 Ways to Enhance your Computer’s Life

It was not long ago when computer became the need of almost every household. From personal use to office use computer has become an indispensable item of technology man has ever gifted to himself. This little magic box, however, has its pros and cons— the machine inside the box can breakdown at any given point in time, if not handled with care. Here is how you can extend the life of your computer.
Keep your PC Clean

Unless you are working in vacuum, virtually every PC becomes loaded with dust, hairballs, and other intruding particles overtime. Left uncleaned for a long time, the dirt can cause enough damage to the hardware inside your PC, heating up the machines sooner than usual therefore putting lot of stress on the components. The cumulative effect of the dust and heat can result into reduced PC performance and sometimes premature death. In order to enhance the lifespan of your PC, it is important to clean it thoroughly in every 6-12 months. There are many computer cleaning equipment available in the market. Make sure you use the instructions written on the packaging before using them.

Allow your PC to Breathe

Proper ventilation is another crucial factor to maintain the longevity of your computer. No doubt fans and ACs help in cooling the machine, but they can be ineffective if your PC has stuffy surrounding. Ensure you PC gets proper ventilation and has access to cool air. Do not keep the computer inside a closed cabinet or near to any heater vent or space heater.

Protect your Hard Drive

Hard drives are easily prone to damage with a single software glitch.  It becomes corrupt with file system errors and bad sectors due to improper shutdowns, crashes, and other issues, which in turn damage files and causes system failure if things get bad. Nevertheless, if you are using Windows in your machine then the machine has an inbuilt Check Disk feature to repair corruption, all you need to do is run the Check Disk tool in your system. If still you are unable to fix the glitch, take assistance of a professional residential computer support service provider.

Protection PC Against Power Fluctuation

A computer has several sensitive circuits and machineries and any large fluctuation in power can damage them. Some people think that plugging the computer into a surge protector may fix the problem, but the fact is, the surge protector loses its protection mechanism with even a sudden rise in the power. It may still continue to power the device offering false sense of security. It is suggested to check the status of the protector at regular period, not to get fooled by it. Not only your computer, but other gadgets such as laptop and mobile phones are also sensitive to power fluctuation, make sure you have proper protection for them.


In addition to above mentioned propositions, there are many other things taking care of which can enhance the life of your machine. If, however, your machine breaks down, it is always advisable to take professional assistance. Hire only a reputed residential computer support service provider.

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